Our dynamic team has decades of experience in designing secure and personalised homes for people where they feel genuine control and ownership, and belonging within their own community. We’re pioneers within Service Design and have contributed to the development of Individualised Living Options (ILO) within NDIS.

When supporting someone to live a life that is meaningful and enriching, it is essential, we begin with the person we’re supporting. It means:
- focussing on the person’s unique gifts, talents, and interests
- finding out what they want from their life
- understanding what they might need to live the life they wish to live, and
- planning with them about how those needs might be met.
When this is kept at the centre of all aspects of a person’s life then it is little surprise it will produce richer, more satisfying lives for people.

We use these principles as a foundation to how we approach Service Design, as well as Dr Michael Kendrick’s Optimal Individual Service Design process, developed in the United States.
Kendrick’s Service Design is a favoured and adopted approach by individual service providers in Australia, New Zealand, and the United States.
Service Design is based on exploring deeply the 21 needs, commonly referred to as Kendrick’s Domains of Need. Service Design involves getting to know a person via extensive conversations with them, their family and key people in their life who all have an individual perspective to share.
Following this approach, a preferred model of support often reveals itself, but the proposal is detailed around what we have learnt about the person and the spirit of their life, home, and future.
The proposed model of support outlines key roles, how the support is structured, agreements between parties, particularly those of an informal support nature, and attempts to define the heart and the spirit of the approach the person individual wants created with them.
This service is known by the NDIS as Exploration and Design and is an important starting point for an Individualised Living Option (ILO).
The Exploration and Design stage will help you:
- Explore where and how you want to live, including helping others around you understand what you want and how this will work for you
- Understand your strengths and capabilities
- Learn what you can do to build your skills through your ILO supports
- Choose where you live, who you live with and how you’re supported
- Understand how supports from friends and family, community supports and paid supports can all play a role in your ILO
- Find out what’s possible and assess any risks in your preferred way of living
- Assess if an ILO is right for you, or if there might be other options that suit you better
- Design and make decisions about your ILO, with the people who support you”
Two examples of individual options that One2One employ are:
Live-in support and companionship in a consumer’s home.
Host Arrangement
Live-in support and companionship in someone else’s home.

Coresident story - Jessica
Jessica lives in her own home with support from Jaynie, her co-resident. Jessica lived with her family for many years following an acquired brain injury. As they grew older, they wanted to plan for her long-term support and felt that a group home wouldn’t meet her needs or accommodate her faith as a Jehovah’s Witness. One2One assisted Jessica and her family to design a bespoke arrangement where she receives live-in support from Jaynie and visiting support each day to continue her preaching work. Jessica has her family close by and maintains a strong connection with her congregation and community which may not have been possible if she had opted for life in a group home.
Host Arrangement story - Sheryl
Sheryl lives with Serena in a Host arrangement. When Sheryl needed to find a place to live and maintain her level of independence, Serena, who was already supporting Sheryl, suggested they find a home together. Their existing relationship allowed Sheryl to continue growing and learning new skills. Since moving in together, Sheryl has been able to achieve another lifelong goal, owning a cat. Sheryl says “I really enjoy living with Serena, this provided the opportunity to get the cat I’ve always wanted”. Serena says “Sheryl provides a lot of enjoyment not only to my life but to the life of my friends and family.” The benefits of living in a Host arrangement create a path to Sheryl’s next goal, to live by herself.
One2One is also able to support you with a Supported Independent Living (SIL) arrangement in your own home. Contact us today to discuss this option further.