What’s Happening in May

Find out about interesting online resources and events happening in Perth this month.

Telethon Kids Institute: The Autism Research Team Studies

The Telethon Kids Institute is recruiting eligible families to join their current research projects.  Can you help with either or both of these two studies that The Autism Research Team is conducting?

  • Oxytocin Nasal Spray Clinical Trial
  • Grandparents Study

Find all the details and links for these worthwhile studies here

What’s New at DADAA

New Project Creates Opportunities & Exchange for Young People With Disability.

DADAA has been working with Media on Mars and Dr Scott Hollier on the development of an exciting new organisation that will work to promote digital access across Australia.

Read more on DADAA’s online Newsletter

You Can Travel

You Can Travel is an independent advisory service assisting disabled travellers to achieve their holiday dreams. They specialise in understanding the needs of clients and developing an itinerary to suit you.

As the parent of a quadriplegic, the owner has first hand knowledge of what is required to make a trip away from home a success.

Check out their website here

Invitation for DDWA Members to Apply for Board Position(s)

Developmental Disability WA is seeking Expressions of Interest from Members who may be interested in joining the Board.

For newer members who are not so familiar with our organisation, Developmental Disability WA (DDWA) was established in 1985 and aims to be a trusted source of independent information, advocacy, education and support for people with intellectual and other developmental disability, their families and the people who support them.

Our Vision is for people with developmental disabilities and their families to live their lives their way.

In terms of time commitment, the Board currently meets every six weeks for approximately 1 – 1.5 hours for a lunchtime meeting. 

For full details, who to talk to for further questions and possibly an email to submit an expression of interest please click here.

Many Voices, Big Impact: The Mental Health Review and Making Your Voice Heard

Your voice as a consumer, carer or family member is crucial in ensuring the future mental health system in our state is high-quality, person-centred and works well for future generations.

WA’s peak bodies representing mental health and consumers invite you to participate in a community conversation about the future of the mental health system.

This event will help you understand the WA Government’s ‘Sustainable Health Review’, why it is so important and how you can influence it. We will then conduct a workshop with smaller groups to ensure everyone can contribute.

There are two dates to choose from – follow the links below for more information and to book your place.

Tuesday, 26 June 10.30am-1.30pm, The Rise, Maylands
Registrations from 10am, light refreshments & working lunch provided.

Tuesday, 28 June 5.30pm-8pm at Citiplace Community Centre, Perth
Registrations from 5pm, light dinner provided.

Places are limited, so book now. An expenses contribution of $15 will be available at the event for people attending in an unpaid capacity.

For more information, call Elizbeth Connor (Systemic Advocacy Officer, WAAMH) on 6246 3034, or email econnor@waamh.org.au.

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