Find out about interesting online resources and events happening in Perth this month.
The Color Run
Don’t forget! – the Color Run on Saturday 4th of November – there are still spots available for Staff and Consumers to join the One2One team. Get in quick and find out what all the fuss is about.
The Abilities Expo is for people of all ages with a disability, their families and carers who want to know more about the services they can access and the organisations that provide those services.
When: Tuesday 30 October 2018 at the Crown Perth Grand Ballroom 9:15am to 1:30pm
One2One will be there and happy to discuss your situation or just to say hi.
Understanding Crime: Reducing the risk for people with intellectual disability
Friday 16 November 2018 at City West Lotteries House, West Perth 9:30am – 2:30pm
This FREE training can help reduce the risk of people with disability from being victims of crime. Click here for full details and venue information.
Who should come?: People with intellectual and cognitive disability, parents, carers and support workers.
If you are ever a victim of crime or if you witness a crime, this training will give you the confidence, skills and knowledge to report the crime.
After this training you will:
Understand different types of crime
Identify who can be a criminal
Identify where crime can happen
Understand who can be a victim or witness a crime
Identify what happens after a crime
Understand how to report a crime and where to get help and support including the use of interpreters
Identify when to use 000, 131444 or Crime stoppers or the local police station
Understand your rights with the police
Family and support involvement – Family and support people are invited to participate in the sessions and will receive a copy of the learner’s manual.
Aqua Mates at Bold Park Aquatic Centre
The Town of Cambridge has recently commenced a new program, ‘Aqua Mates’. The program is an initiative developed to facilitate and promote swimming and Aquarobics to community members of all abilities.
The program will be run at Bold Park Aquatic Centre weekly on Thursdays at 11:30am. The one hour sessions are centred on enhancing physical and mental health, creating capacity for social interaction without barriers for people of all abilities.
Sessions are facilitated by a qualified staff member and the session structure aims to build inclusion, confidence and cohesiveness in the aquatic environment.
There are minimal costs for participants but carers are free.
Sessions are open to people of all abilities, however they are targeted towards individuals who require additional confidence. Bookings or prepayment not required, however notification of interest is encouraged via an email or phone call to or 9385 8767.
You’re invited to the Perth “Make It Work” community forum on Friday, 9 November 2018 from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm, located at VisAbility (Wesfarmers Theatrette), 61 Kitchener Ave, Victoria Park, WA 6100, Australia. Register here
This forum will be a chance for Perth to get together, meet directly with our leaders and demand they make the NDIS work by telling them what is going on, right here, on the ground.
Your local MP has been invited, and the Every Australian Counts team will be joined by a panel consisting of a local NDIS participant, a family member, and a service provider. The panel will discuss what is working, what isn’t, and answer audience questions.
It is known that the NDIS isn’t working for all of us and people are falling through the gaps. This forum will provide a platform to talk through how and why some are missing out, and what we think needs to change.
Together we can get the NDIS we’ve been fighting for!
The Every Australian Counts team.
If you can’t make it to a forum on the ground, you can express your interest in attending an online forum via this page.
New Worker Screening Process Research Project
Department of Social Services in conjunction with the NDIA Quality and Safeguards Commission is conducting research on the new NDIS Worker Screening process. They are looking to chat to NDIS Participants who self-manage their plans and engage staff either directly or through contracting. They would also appreciate chatting to plan Nominees or Child Representatives. They are hosting sessions so they can design a system that supports self-managed participants nationally.
About Worker Screening
New NDIS Worker Screening arrangements will be introduced for jurisdictions covered by the Quality and Safeguards Commission from 1 July 2019. It will replace the different arrangements in each state or territory and will set a national standard for all workers in the NDIS. Self-Managed Participants will be able to use Worker Screening as a tool to check their workers. This will minimise the risk of harm to people with disability from the people who work closely with them.
About the research session
The focus will be on understanding how we can implement Worker Screening to support Self-Managed Participants
They will be asked a series of questions about their experience and perceptions
It will run for approximately 60 minutes
It will be conducted over-the-phone
Sessions are being hosted in October, at a time convenient for the individual
All feedback will be kept confidential and individuals will not be personally identified in the research.”
If you, or someone you know would like more information, or to participate in this research, please contact Chanel at