Overall Responsibility

Provide individualised support to people with a disability.
Supervision arrangements vary in self-directed services. Consumers and/or families may choose to manage all aspects of their individual needs, including supporting and supervising people they employ, or they may engage a One2One Service Coordinator. Each coordinator/ employer will ensure all employees receive an individualised induction.
We are all unique therefore our needs are diverse and require individualised responses and approaches. One2One has developed a generic job description covering a range of duties that a Support Worker may be asked to perform. In discussion with the consumer and/or family, specific needs and preferences of the consumer will be identified.
1. Planning for Living – My Plan
My Plan is a tool used to document the consumer’s dreams, goals and aspirations. It may contain information essential to supporting the consumer to achieve their goals.
- Gather information about the consumer’s My Plan and determine where they are up to in achieving their goals.
- Identify what you can offer that may assist the consumer to achieve their goals and discuss your ideas with the consumer and/or family.
- Be community aware and seek out information about the consumer’s local and wider community.
- Act as a resource for the consumer sharing your knowledge and information.
- Generate positive and creative thinking and encourage the consumer to consider a range of ideas in their plan for living.
- Be an active part of the development and review of My Plans.
- Be aware of where and why specific safeguards are a part of the consumer’s overall support plan and maximise the consumer’s safety and well-being at all times.
- Determine if the consumer you are supporting has a My Plan and be aware of their specific goals and aspirations.
2. Lifestyle Support
- Endeavour to develop a relationship of mutual trust with the consumer, their family and friends.
- Provide personal and practical support to enable the consumer to live the life of their choosing.
- Provide necessary support to assist the consumer to maintain, develop and facilitate personal connections and relationships with family and friends.
- Understand individual preferences and choices and endeavour to enable the consumer to make informed choices and decisions.
- Support the consumer to explore preferred employment, training, education and further learning, recreation and leisure options.
- Advocate for and with the consumer as required.
- At all times respect the consumer, their families and friends’ right to privacy and confidentiality.
- Share any concerns or issues you may have with your consumer/employer in a timely manner.
- Assist the consumer to work in partnership with their Guardian if one has been appointed.
3. Communication
- Demonstrate positive and effective communication with the consumer, their family and others, at all times.
- Conduct yourself in all situations of communication providing a positive role model to others.
- Where required, provide regular updates to your consumer’s family and co-workers keeping them up to date with what is happening in the consumer’s life.
- Complete written updates and reports as requested.
- Be available for supervision and to attend meetings as requested.
4. Health and Wellbeing
- Support the consumer in all areas to maintain and improve their health and general wellbeing – physically, emotionally, spiritually and culturally.
- Arrange and/or attend medical and specialist appointments, communicating outcomes as and where required.
- Maintain medical records/outcomes for the consumer as and where required.
- Monitor, supervise and/or administer medications and treatments as required.
- Support the consumer to manage prescriptions, dispensing of medications and safe storage of all medications and treatments. [Where appropriate consult One2One Medication Administration Policy]
- Monitor and encourage dental hygiene.
- Encourage healthy eating choices/diet and regular physical activity.
- Respect individual religious/spiritual beliefs of the consumer and/or family and their culture of origin.
5. Practical and Personal Support
- Encourage and support independence in all areas of the consumer’s life particularly in areas where they have specific goals around skill development, new learning and increased independence.
- Assist the consumer in all areas of personal care, grooming, hygiene and personal presentation.
- Assist with domestic needs, involving the consumer wherever possible, in all tasks. Foster a sense of self responsibility for home cleaning, laundry, grocery shopping and meal preparation as required.
- Assist with personal shopping requirements such as clothing, footwear, household needs, gifts etc.
6. Personal Affairs and Financial Support
- Assist the consumer to develop a personal budget, to plan to meet their individual financial needs and to live within their needs.
- Assist with banking and bill payments as required.
- Assist the consumer to work in partnership with their Administrator if one has been appointed.
- Encourage savings plans aligned with goals and dreams.
- Maintain financial records as required.
- Assist with understanding correspondence and respond as required.
- Support and advocate as required with services such as; banks, Centrelink, Public Trustee, employers, property agents, clubs and medical services.
- Report any issues or concerns that may impact on the consumer’s personal and financial security in a timely manner.
7. Belonging, Connections and Community
- Encourage the consumer to maintain existing family and personal networks and to enhance them by actively following interests, goals and dreams.
- Assist the consumer to plan and attend events providing all practical assistance required.
- Encourage involvement, inclusion and membership in groups, clubs and community.
- Be aware of the consumer’s local community and use local services. (Cont’d)
- Support the consumer to meet their neighbour’s and encourage neighbourly spirit.
OSH Responsibilities (incorporated into all Role Profiles)
One2One is committed to a ‘no harm’ outcome to any consumers or staff in relation to our operations and service delivery. We aim to remove or reduce any risks to the health, safety and general welfare of all our stakeholders. We strongly encourage our staff as far as practicable to ensure their own personal health and safety and that of others in the workplace by following guidelines that promote safe systems of work.