Real Stories: Spotlight on Sheryl

At first glance there is no doubt that Sheryl McMahon is an outgoing person, but when you dig deeper you’ll also find she has creative flair and passion for horse riding. 

Sheryl has  a movement disorder that causes her body to move randomly, with no or limited control as well as fibromyalgia. Before moving out of home, she was previously assisted by her Dad and sister and although she appreciated their help, it wasn’t really meeting all her needs. With her Dad in fulltime work and her sister having understandably limited time, there were quite a few long stretches of time when she was at home alone.

Sheryl moved into her own home about 5 years ago with a support worker visiting once a week to do housework. Sheryl was signed up to the WANDIS trial and was given One2One’s information by her Local Area Coordinator.  After meeting with Directors Glen and Deb, she decided to make One2One her service provider because it meant she could be in control of her supports

How has One2One helped?

Sheryl has been supported by One2One since 2015. One2One has helped Sheryl access regular physiotherapy to help reduce falls and speech therapy which has facilitated solo communication through a text to speech app. In addition, Sheryl’s support worker visits have meant she doesn’t have long periods of being alone.

Her support workers help with housework, food and snack preparation and providing transportation. Sheryl has also been encouraged in her hobbies and now regularly goes horse riding at the disabled riding association and creates beautiful fluid art.

Sheryl has created some amazing and colourful pieces of art.  She posts her art on her  Instagram page, and plans to sell some locally here in Perth.  Sheryl was introduced to this form of art by her painting mentor, Sarah Jane from Hepburn Art who is also one of her One2One support team.

What does this mean to Sheryl?

In addition to discovering her artistic talent and a love of horse riding, with the support of her team Sheryl is now enjoying being able to plan to go out whenever she chooses to and the freedom this brings her.

Sheryl says she no longer feels like she’s being overlooked. Instead, she feels like she’s in control of who and how she is supported and this makes her very happy.

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