We have some interesting online resources and events happening in Perth this month.
Working Together: Therapy in the Early Years – Guide for Parents
A new DDWA resource, this guide can assist you in making decisions about the therapy services that are needed to build your child’s skills, so they can actively participate in family, school and community life. Available online at www.ddwa.org.au
The Lives We Lead is a social media project to influence the community to better understand the contributions that people with disability are making economically, socially, culturally and politically.
The project captures up to twenty video and photo stories of people with a disability going about their lives achieving ordinary and extraordinary things.
A reference group of people with disability use a co-design approach to curate their stories.
If you believe in people with disability having more opportunities, their contributions and achievements valued, and their human rights upheld… then start the conversation with people in your sphere. Let them know why you think this project is important.
Put out the ‘What if…?’ questions.
What if we believed that all people can communicate?
What if all people could get meaningful work?
What if all people got the support they need?
What if all people got to do what they love?
What if all people got to live how and with whom they want?
Share a strategy for how we do it. Invite them to buy a ticket here to the Gala Ball on the 3rd of December 2019 – the culmination of the project.
One2One Staff Highlights
Excellence Awards
Carly Fletcher
O2O Director, Glen Ottley, Carly & Service Coordinator Michael Periera
Carly was chosen for recognition owing to her unwavering support and commitment to Dave, particularly during a very difficult transition period in his life during which she stood by him. She remains an integral part of his support team and her ongoing efforts are greatly appreciated.
Penny Roberts
Penny is an absolute leader when it comes to goal setting. For over 5 years Penny has been supporting Andrew and the results speak for themselves. Together Andrew and Penny have improved Andrew’s quality of life significantly by losing a targeted 30 kgs. She supported him to implement
O2O Director, Glen Ottley & Penny
changes to his health with diet and lifestyle. Penny is very reliable and works persistently to overcome barriers. Her support and commitment is testament to such a fierce target.
Service Awards
Before One2One started this regular spot in the Grapevine there were a number of people this year who were recognised for their 5 years of service – which also deserves a mention and a big shout out of thanks.
Vesna Risteska – 24 February 2019 Tristan McStravick – 19 March 2019
If you are interested in working with us or would like to read more you can visit our staff highlights here.
Mundaring Junction Arts Centre
With MJAC’s final exhibitions of 2019 now open and a busy calendar of workshops and events, December is the perfect time to visit to get your creative arts fix!
Be inspired by the amazing artworks created by their talented workshop participants in the Made Here by Hand exhibition, and try your hand at loom weaving craft by signing up to the upcoming workshop on 30th November.
Rock Climbing Mirrabooka
O2O is a Reclink Member so you can climb for free, but you must bring along your support worker to belay for you.
The Reclink program operates between 10:00 am – 11:30 am on any given Friday (must be outside of school holidays) and requires a Reclink Member card on arrival. Places are limited so please ensure you register with the Reclink team beforehand – evonne.dart@reclink.org or 0400 013 849.
New climbers will be taken through a safety induction before being allowed to climb. Once completed the safety induction, climbers are then free to access the climbing walls independently with their belayer but will be provided guidance from one of the City Summit Rock-climbing gurus throughout the session.
They recommend you wear closed in footwear, fitted but stretchy clothing and bring a water bottle to stay hydrated.
Rockingham – Gym & Swim Access
Did you know there is free gym and pool access to the Aqua Jetty facility in Warnbro?
Reclink members must show proof of current Reclink membership at check-in. (which you can arrange with your O2O service coordinator)
Access is for the gym and swimming pools for 2 x 90-minute sessions Monday to Friday.
2 member agency participants can access each session.
The sessions are 12:00pm to 1:30pm OR 1:30pm to 3:00pm Monday to Friday.
Bookings are essential- please contact the Aqua Jetty Centre on 08 9591 0888.
They recommend you wear appropriate clothing for the gym or swimming, closed in training footwear for the gym, a towel for both the gym and swimming.
Enjoying the Pool & Learning to Swim Forum
Developmental Disability WA Invites You.
Participation in this forum is required to share experiences of:
How you support people with disability to have access to the pool and feel welcome.
What makes it tricky when people with disability are using the pool or learning to swim? What doesn’t work?
What do pool attendants and swim teachers need in their training to ensure good access and a positive experience for everyone in the pool?
Who should come? Swimming Teachers, Pool Attendants and anyone with an interest
Refreshments provided FRIDAY 6TH DECEMBER 2019. 9.45am to 12pm
WHERE: Bayswater Waves, Corner Broun Avenue and Priestley Street, Embleton